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Buddha-nature is one of the most profound elements of Buddha's Mahayana teachings - the primordially pure and innately perfect nature of all sentient beings. But only through this precious human existence do we have the necessary conditions and qualities to be able to actually realize this innate Buddha-hood. Walking along a path based on the profound and precious teachings and instructions of the historical Buddha and the following highly realized Masters of 2500 years old unbroken lineages, gives us the chance to live a life of genuine meaning, depth and true joy.

Our Teacher is Khandroma Tara Choying Wangmo (previously Tara Choying Lhamo), who is perceived by some great Masters from Drikung Kagyu as well as other lineages as Drikung Khandro.
In 2023 Khandroma was also bestowed the Lopon title by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche with the wish for Khandroma to continue to teach.
In 1992 at the young age of just twenty Khandroma went to live and practice with her Masters mainly in Nepal and partly in India, where she spent around twenty-one years in strict solitary retreats as well as open retreats in many holy places of Nepal, India and Tibet - practising in the same traditional ways as her Masters and their Masters did.
After an almost fatal accident during her last winter-retreat in Lapchi 2018/19, Khandroma stopped public teachings and appearances, and entered into another extended period of retreat, mainly in Austria, while still teaching a few personal students.
Khandroma has all the qualities of a genuine Vajrayana Master, with the noble heart of the sublime practise lineage of Mahamudra shining through in everything she says and does. Living free of the slightest interest in the eight worldly dharmas, being around Khandroma is to experience true Dharma without a hint of compartmentalisation or holding back.
Khandroma is considering to start publicly teaching again in the course of 2025/26.
The long-term vision and heart-wish is to set up a permanent retreat place for a small circle of truly devoted students, who sincerely wish to dedicate their lives full-heartedly towards sublime awakening and don't shy away from difficulties on the path, including when illusory "egos" feel hurt, knowing it is unavoidable for genuine awakening.
To accomplish that vision also very devoted and genuine sponsors are needed, who understand the profound importance of the rarely pursued long term retreat-path and therefore wish to offer financial or practical support to make this vision a reality for the benefit of all beings.
As the scriptures say, supporting someone to do retreat creates the same virtue and merit as doing retreat oneself.

English audio and video from Q&A teachings in Australia 2017 and Denmark 2018:

Videoclip of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche during his, as well as H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche's 2007 visit and retreat in Lapchi, including a short clip of an interview with Khandroma who was also there in retreat, having been invited by His Holiness to come along:

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